Vitalfan - Complément alimentaire antichute progressive-Dégarnissage et perte de cheveux||Hair Loss & Thinning-RENE FURTERER-[Format]
Vitalfan - Complément alimentaire antichute progressive-Dégarnissage et perte de cheveux||Hair Loss & Thinning-RENE FURTERER-[Format]

Vitalfan - Progressive Dietary Supplement

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A dietary supplement that helps fight against progressive, hormonal or hereditary hair loss.

Hair loss

This dietary supplement is specially formulated to fight against progressive, hormonal or hereditary hair loss. To maintain healthy and strong hair, this product combines important nutrients to reduce hereditary, progressive hair loss and encourage thicker and healthier hair growth.
This exclusive formula helps build strong hair by:
-Balancing the scalp environment through nutrient supply (vitamins, minerals, fatty acid).
-Protecting the hair bulb with its antioxidants.
-Maintaining healthy hair.

The VITALFAN Progressive anti-hair loss supplement combines plant-based active ingredients with vitamins and minerals that contribute to the growth of healthy hair. An expert and targeted response to progressive hair loss.

Contributes to healthy hair growth: thanks to the combined action of vitamin B8 (biotin) and vitamin B6.
Helps regulate hormonal activity: thanks to vitamin B6.
Antioxidant action: vitamin E and zinc help protect cells from oxidative damage.

Réservé à l'adulte. Ce complément alimentaire ne peut être utilisé comme substitut d'un régime alimentaire varié et équilibré et à un mode de vie sain. Ne pas dépasser la dose journalière recommandée. Tenir hors de portée des enfants. Déconseillé aux femmes enceintes ou allaitantes et en cas de traitement antihypertenseur. Fréquence d’usage : 1 fois par jour - Recommandé en cure de 3 mois.-----For use in adults. This dietary supplement cannot be used as a substitute for a varied, balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. Keep out of reach of children. Not recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding women or in conjunction with treatments for hypertension. Frequency of use : Once a day - Recommended as a 3-month treatment.

RENE FURTERER Vitalfan - Progressive Dietary Supplement